The maps below show the distribution of the Audley and the Audsley surname in both the 1841 and the 1881 censuses of England. The data that was used to produce these distribution maps is taken directly from the Ancestry Website transcription data without any further checking.
Whilst there appears to be a similar number of people with the Audley and Audsley surname in both Censuses (1841 census: 174 Audley; 160 Audsley; 1881 census: 284 Audley; 294 Audsley) the Audley family members (red circles) appear to have a much wider distribution than the Audsley family members (blue squares) who appear to have remained in a small area of the West Riding of Yorkshire. The members of the Audley family living in West Yorkshire by 1881 appear to have moved to the West Riding of Yorkshire from Norfolk, Warwickshire, and Huntingdon. Conversely by 1881 there was one Audsley family Living in Toxteth Park, Liverpool, and another Audsley family across the River Mersey in Tranmere, Cheshire. There is no evidence to suggest that the Audley and Audsley surname share a common origin. |
The Distribution of the Audley Surname (red circles) and the Audsley Surname (blue squares) in the 1841 Census of England | The Distribution of the Audley Surname (red circles) and the Audsley Surname (blue squares) in the 1881 Census of England  |