1939 Registers of England and Wales

The 1939 Register was taken on 29th September 1939 and were originally taken as part of the registration of the population at the beginning of World War 2. They were used for the issuing of rationing coupons. The 1939 registers only cover the civil population; any individual who had volunteered for the armed forces are not included in the registers.  At the end of World War 2 and the setting up of the National Health Service these registers were used as the basis of the registration of individuals for the NHS.  As a result these registers were updated until the early 1990s, when they were computerised. The updates included; changes of name, due to marriage; an indication that individuals had died. Changes of address were not recorded in the registers.
Not all the entries in the registers  are open (i.e can be viewed). The only open entries are of those people who would now be over 100 years of age and those individuals who are  recorded as having died in the registers.

 1939 Register for the Audley Surname
At the time this index was created (January 2018) there were 355 open entries for the Audley Surname in the 1939 registers. Of these 333 entries (94%) have been incorporated into one of the family trees detailed on the Family Tree pages of this website.  Fuether updates have been made to the index as more entries are opened. If you can identify your Audley ancestor in this 1939 register index you will know to which branch of the Audley Family you belong.

(last updated 19th July 2023)

  1939 Register for the Aidley Surname
At the time this index was created (January 2018) there were 55 open entries for the Aidley Surname in the 1939 registers. All of these  entries have been incorporated into ‘Audley Family R’ detailed on the Family Tree pages of this website.  So if you can identify your Aidley ancestor in this 1939 register index you will know that you belong to ‘Audley Family R’.

(last updated January 2018)

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